VITAE Articles

“You don’t write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald


We are passionate about our business of helping career-minded individuals to grow personally, professionally, and to take their career up to its highest level. For two decades we have dedicated ourselves to this endeavor. Along the way, we have learned a thing or two.

Today, Sequence is the innovative leader in the career planning services sector.

We are especially known for providing job seekers and career-minded individuals an exceptional level of professional and personalized service and expertise in career planning, personal branding and candidate marketing. We are constantly called upon to speak and share our knowledge and expertise before professional trade associations, at major national conferences and to write articles for publication around the world.

We gladly invite you to read a sampling of our articles here or purchase our VITAE Exercise to empower your career or one of our more detailed publications or books / eBooks. We trust you will find these short posts helpful to your career planning and job search efforts.

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