VITAE in Latin literally means “life.”
The Sequence VITAE Exercise is our true, time-tested personal assessment process and development tool we believe will greatly aid and empower you in your career.
Vitae in Latin literally means “life.” Our lives are a series of actions and events traced in order by time. It’s a Sequence. It’s a particular order in which related acts and events follow each other.
Thus, our Sequence VITAE Exercise is a powerful five-step orderly process designed to help you define your Value, Target your goals, take Inventory, establish, build, polish, and market your career materials and professional brand.
We have developed a series of sections imparting knowledge and activities (questions, tests, tasks, and personal interactions) to prompt thoughts and provide feedback that will serve as the foundation for completing this exercise.
This includes extensive work to assess and understand your strengths and competencies. Key will be to Achieve these aims and to create your compelling story which lies at the center of all of your plans, dreams, and aspirations.
We will then help you express that value and brand with your MVP (My Value Proposition) Statement and consistently Evolve it throughout your career.
If you are familiar with VITAE from a certified professional or one of our many seminars, then order the Complete Exercise with complete printed materials (all Five VITAE Printed Book Sections – V-I-T-A-E), tests/assessments, activities, workbooks, accessories and supporting webinar. You can also sign up to come to one of our national or regional conferences and obtain one-on-one career consulting or coaching from a certified VITAE professional.
If this is your first time, or you are primarily interested in advice about developing your professional career materials, then start out with our I-INVENTORY Mini Book Section. You can always upgrade to the full Exercise in the future.